Sunday, September 11, 2005


-Marriage is the price man pay for sex,sex is the price woman pay for marriage.

-Sex:the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.

-The pleasure is momentary,the position ridiculous and the expense damnable.

-The big mistake that men make is that when they turn thirteen or fourteen and all of a sudden they've reached puberty,they believe that they like women.Actually,you're just horny.It doesn't mean you like women any more at twenty one than you did at ten.

-The gentlemen prefer blondes is due to the fact that,apparently,pale hair,delicate skin and an infantile expression represent the very apex of frailty which every man longs to violate.

-What they call 'heart' is located far lower than the fourth waistcoat button.

-Show me a genuine case of platonic friendship and I shall show you a walking rose.

-The garter has hanged more men than the halter.

-When the prick stands,the brains get buried in the ground.

-There comes a moment in the day,when you have written your pages in the morning,attended to your correspondence in the afternoon,and have nothing further to do.Then comes that hour when you are bored;that's the time for sex

Haha...some really cynical take on the guy's favourite.
Beg to differ?
Your opinions would be deeply appreciated.


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