Friday, April 08, 2005

Zetanians Are Kind in Nature

It's Thursday!A day where the menopause symptoms of our teachers shine like a beacon in a rural night, a full repertoire of warnings,naggings,and scoldings.It wouldn't be a Thursday if Pn Subbu didn't come into class to blasts everybody miles of their seat,conveys all the other teachers's warning to us,and threatens to call our parents.Shiat,I have a problem there(I'm not the best of student,infact,I'm one of the worst you'll find).

I miss my form 3&4 year badly,days where I could just come home,chunk my beg aside and come online during the noons.I'm doomed to weekends and evenings now where people are seldom online.Sighs,even the liberty of using the housephone has been stripped away from me,gosh,parents tend to get bitchy during exam years...grrrr(well,probably it's just mine).

Gtg soon people,I've got tuition at Pn Lim's.Haha...she's one hell of a character and she's probably the cutest teacher one will ever get in his/her school life.With the cliched round figure of an able housewife and radiant pinkish cheeks,she really looks like a tomato.Haha...Tert will always drop me a call during tuition and I'll go "Tomato,Tomato Alert!".Lol

Oh well,got to go people,mom's nagging as usual and seriously it's getting to get annoying.Thank goodness my mom's still too young for the damned neighbourhood of MENOPAUSE(life begins at 50?sure bo?),which means I'll be on my own already when she does move into it.Thank Goodness!


Blogger Andrew said...

hmmm... updates ?

Sat Apr 23, 12:17:00 am 2005  
Blogger Andrew said...

It has been already a freaking month since ur last post. -_-"

Sat May 07, 01:35:00 am 2005  

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