Sunday, March 20, 2005

Angels Don't Cry

Lost love......something that never fails to scar even the most steel-like hearts.Be brave people,love ain't about having someone right beside you every available moments.Though it's much easier said than least try to fight back those tears as most times,those droplets of salt sears deeper through the wound...

Since I've known you,I've peered through your eyes,saw the different perspectives of this world we reside in,you're probably my guardian angel,I suppose.
You utilised your wings meticulously,bringing me to lusher and radiant gardens.Used your wings to shelter me from the invasive storm at the expense of being exposed yourself.You gave me something to lean on and protection,shielded me from the malicious intrusions of all evils.
You would worry about me having an all nighter during exams,worry that I couldn't take care of myself,worry that my naiveness and purity would make me succeptible to cheats and cons.With you around,I've got you to do all the worrying while I sit back and gasp over the amazements our mother earth brings.
These days of ignorance slipped by profusely,impossibly lucky I thought I was.
I'm starting to worry that these sort luck weren't made for eternity,worried that someday I will see you walked out of that door,worried that I might lose those wings that eased my flight through many hazards.You've pushed my world into a void,I'm worried that I couldn't survive without your breath around.
How does the real world look like?Would I be hurt from the acidic rain and obstacles as challenged by the world?If I could just step out from the cocoon you've wrapped me so tightly in,take a huge leap of faith over the valley of humanity,would it consolidate all those
hypothesises I have?
It's probably time for me to leave the canopy you've set up all around and taste the kiss of sunlight on me again.You're my angel but please do not cry over my departure,I'm probably just an ephemeral mirage you stumbled upon in the borderless desert of love.
Give me sometime,let me put on my thinking cap,maybe......just maybe,i might feel corroded by the rain and return to your secured embrace again.
Remember,Angels Don't Cry......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly inspiring... if only i can relate it to my life. Wakakaka XD~
Wish you all da best! As friends, you sure won't forget to wish me the same, right? =)

Tue Mar 22, 06:39:00 pm 2005  

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