Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sick and Tired

How does it feel like when you started something with someone,everything seemed perfect at the beginning when both were trying hard to keep things going,to just keep that fire burning at all cost and savoured the fire that flourished from the fuel of their efforts?

How does it feel like to be abandoned midway through the race,that she would stop fuelling everything that you worked so hard to get it started?

How does it feel like when things get so cold and you needed to feel her warmth again,only to be greeted by her hands that actually formed the pristine snows that continues to colonize this blizzard of your soul?

How does it feel like to face the cliched situation when you just somehow needed someone to talk to,to pour your heart out,only to be found sitting on your bed staring at your pathethic Nokia for the past hours waiting for her to reply?

I'm through ushering this chariot alone,
I'm sick and tired.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, chill man :) i'm always here.

Sun Jul 03, 11:24:00 pm 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

me too.. Helping in times of need. You can lend my shoulder =)

Wed Jul 06, 04:44:00 pm 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relationships are not something which we can determine whether it works out or not, at the end of the day, for now its all about feelings and emotions, when she feels like it she layan you, when u both started you guys were so passionate for one another, but Ian honestly, speaking as a brother, in all things, may it be family, studies, relationship, or what ever sort, let GOD be that center of focus, only GOd can hold 2 people together, its not wat u can do or sacrifice for the person that will keep 2 ppl together, but its God's love which will hold and keep u together.

writing this with love and concern over ur spiritual walk. Make a stand for GOD, do what is right and as he says.

Sat Jul 09, 10:20:00 am 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cheer up boy.

Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. -Matthew 11:28-

Wed Jul 13, 11:31:00 am 2005  

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